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Jesus calls Peter to follow Him Again

11/1/2015 Bob Conrad  John 21 

The Resurrection of Jesus and Appearances to His Disicples

10/25/2015 Don Foose  John 20 

The scourging and the Crucifixion of Jesus

10/18/2015 John Bollten  John 19 

Arrest and Trial of Jesus: What is Truth

10/11/2015 Don Foose  John 18 

The Heart of God

10/4/2015 Bob Conrad  John 17 

The Blessings of Abiding in Christ

9/13/2015 Ed Fleming  John 15 

Jesus comforts his disciples

9/6/2015 Bob Conrad  John 14 

Jesus loves his own to the end

8/30/2015 Don Foose  John 13 

The Transition from Jesus public Ministry to His earthly farewell

8/23/2015 John Bollten  John 12 

Raising Lazarus from the dead

8/16/2015 Ed Fleming  John 11 

Jesus The Good Shepherd

8/9/2015 Bob Conrad  John 10 

Jesus Heals a Blind Man

8/2/2015 Ed Fleming  John 9 

Jesus the Light of the World

7/26/2015 Bob Conrad  John 8 

Rejecting the LIving Water

7/19/2015 Don Foose  John 7 

Jesus the Bread of Life

7/12/2015 John Bollten  John 6 

Who is Jesus?

7/5/2015 Bob Conrad  John 5 

Jesus the Saviour of the World

6/28/2015 Bob Conrad  John 4 

Born from Above

6/21/2015 Don Foose  John 3 

Jesus' First Sign

6/14/2015 Ed Fleming  John 2 

Who is Jesus?

6/7/2015 Bob Conrad  John 1 

Introduction to the Gospel of John

5/31/2015 Ed Fleming  John 20:30-31 

Who is this Jesus, anyway?

3/29/2015 John Bollten  John 12:12-19